Welcome toCouncil of Sex Education & Parenthood International
The roots of the Council of Sex Education and Parenthood (International), (CSEPI) hereafter mentioned as the Council is embedded in the Family Planning Association of India (FPAI). The then President Dr. (Mrs.) Avabai Wadia a woman of great foresight and vision, agreed to a suggestion by Dr. Mahinder Watsa who was then a consultant for medical affairs FPAI to strengthen the sexual health services in the FPAI programmes and particularly to introduce programmes in human sexuality, sexual counseling for adolescents, youth, newly married and others in the community.
Mission & Vision
Founded in 1982, the Council of Sex Education and Parenthood International (CSEPI) is devoted to the promotion of Sexual Health by the development and advancement of the field of Sexual Health (Sex Education, Sex Counseling, Sex Therapy and Sexual Medicine).
OurAim & Objectives
CSEPI is committed to provide Sex Education and develop a cadre of experts to Teach, Train and Provide Counseling, Sex therapy and Medical management for Sexual problems across Life Span.
CSEPI is for all healthcare professionals interested in strengthening aspects of Family life Spectrum and Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health. CSEPI is a health services Organization dedicated to improve the Quality of Life.
CSEPI has organized National Conferences and Workshops all over India. CSEPI programmes cover the entire spectrum of Family Health Concerns including Child Rearing, Adolscents Problems, Sexual Problems, Family Planning, Marital Relationships and Sex Therapy. All CSEPI activities are undertaken in the context for moral questions faced by parents, Spouses and Children.
CSEPI – Runs free Telephonic helpline: DASH – +91 92234 08126

BecomeA Member
CSEPI Membership provides benefit of Sex Education and develop a cadre of experts to Teach, Train and Provide Counseling, Sex therapy and Medical management for Sexual problems across Life Span.
39th Annual Conference of Council of Sex Education & Parenthood (International)
Date: 6 – 8 October, 2023
Venue: Hotel - Hyatt Regency
Ashram Road, Ahmedabad
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